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FAQ about our lease option program


What is a lease option (or rent-to-own)?  

A lease option (or rent-to-own) is an opportunity for someone who can't or doesn't want to purchase a home at this time to be able to buy the home they are renting in the future.  It gives the renter the right to buy the home, but doesn't obligate the renter to buy the home. 


Why would I want to do a lease option?

Our lease option program is perfect for those who see themselves as home-owners or that want to aspire to be homeowners, but can't buy or quality to buy a home at this time.  It's geared to those who want to do more with their hard-earned money than throwing it all away on rent each month.  It allows the renter to fix their credit issues or resolve other issues that are prohibiting them from qualifying to otherwise buy a home at this time.


What is the minimum I need to put down for the option?

Although there is no "set" minimum, we like to see a minimum of $2,000 down for the option consideration, on top of first month's rent.  If you can pay more, that makes your application look more solid.  If you can pay a lot more, that allows some flexibility in the monthly payment and other terms.


Do I have to buy the home?  What if I change my mind about buying the home? 

No.  There's no obligation to buy the home you are doing a lease option.  It's like having the right to... but not having to fully commit to.  It's also like taking the house on a very long test drive- for months- to make sure it's the right one for you. If you decide the home isn't for you, you can continue renting it if we all mutually agree... or you can move.  Also... if you decide this home isn't the right one for you, we can in some instances "transfer" what you've paid us and apply it to a different home of ours of your choosing.  


Is there a security deposit?

We typically do not charge a security deposit for our lease options.


Do I need to have perfect credit?

No.  In fact, we grade on honesty more than perfection.  Our lease option is perfect for those with less-than-perfect credit who need time to get things cleaned up. 


How long can I do a lease option?

We can be flexible depending on your needs, but most are 6 months to 2+ years, some a bit longer, and usually average about a year or two. 


Do I have to pay property taxes, property insurance, cover maintenance and repairs ,etc?)?

No, you do not have to pay for property taxes or property insurance.  However, you do have to pay for your own renter's insurance (we don't require you obtain renters insurance but strongly recommend it) and cover the utilities and maintenance (and expenses) on the home.  


Can the monthly payment and/or other terms be negotiable/flexible if I were able to put more down for a down payment?  

Absolutely.  If you are able to put more money down, we can be very flexible on the monthly payment and/or other terms.  


How much of what I pay goes toward the purchase price?

In addition to applying every dollar of your down payment toward the purchase price, we also take a portion of your monthly rent and apply it toward the purchase price as well.  


Where do I start?  

Go here and fill out our quick preapproval.  Even if we currently do not have any homes available, we have more coming and you can get notified right away when a home comes up that fits your needs.





*certain restrictions may apply. contact us for details.

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